Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
May 13, 2024

Breaking News

Poll: More Than 8 In 10 Americans Don't Trust Corporate Media To Report Facts
Overwhelming majorities of Americans have lost their trust in the media to accurately report the news, according to a new poll out Wednesday.

10,372,100 Babies Killed in Abortions Since UK Legalized Abortion 56 Years Ago
10,372,100 unborn babies have lost their lives to abortion in England, Wales and Scotland since 1968 when the Abortion Act 1967 came into effect.

Pro-Life Members of Congress Say Human Beings Killed in IVF Need Protected Too
A trio of pro-life congressmen, led by Rep. Josh Brecheen, R-OK, penned a letter to the Biden administration's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this week, demanding accountability for the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) industry's destruction of human lives.

Pro-Life Advocate Suffers Stroke After She's Placed in Solitary Confinement for 22 Days
The Biden administration is under fire for selectively prosecuting pro-life advocates who protested abortion inside abortion centers while ignoring hundreds of pro-abortion attacks on churches, pro-life groups and pregnancy centers.

The Fullness of Life: Bishop Erik Varden's Resurrection of Chastity
While Lent offers us a clear path of conversion, turning away from the world, Easter invites us into God's own life. In Lent, we seek to die with Christ; in Easter, we must live with him. It appears an anticlimactic season after the rigors of prayer and fasting, but Lent is ordered to Easter as a period of training to live a more joyful and integrated life in Christ.

The Transgender Conveyor Belt
Why are rates of transgender identification skyrocketing? One cause is often overlooked: the law. Multiple laws channel kids down the path of gender transition, creating a powerful "transgender conveyor belt." Here's how it works.

Embryos as Schrodinger's Persons
The fertility industry has put itself in the awkward position of selling persons as a product. That is the problem at the heart of a contentious February court ruling, which found that parents can sue fertility clinics for wrongful death if their IVF embryos are negligently destroyed.

Student activists for Palestine urgently need a makeover
The body count keeps rising in Gaza, so it is only sensible to express concern. Whether or not this is a genocide is an open question, but it should be beyond dispute that the IDF have been reckless in their approach, as the number of civilian casualties is grotesquely disproportional to their military objectives.

The appeal of anti-establishment politics is a symptom of a broken political system
The past few years have seen the steady rise of populist, anti-establishment politics across a broad swathe of the West. In the mouths of its defenders, populism is liberation from the yoke of global domination. In the mouths of its critics, it is cheap demagoguery and the greatest threat to rule of law we have seen in generations. A true diagnosis requires a form of analysis that digs beneath the slogans of both populists and their critics.

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Centers in Black Communities to Kill Black Babies
It's just a number until you realize it is the number of abortions completed by Planned Parenthood according to their 2023 annual report.

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Human Dignity and Shady Characters

It appears today that the truth is not important anymore. What is important is to do what is "politically correct", not what is right. Our involvement in politics should be driven by the uncompromising belief that no one is worthless and that truth is paramount. For this reason, we, as Christians, defend the Right of the unborn to live. It is also the reason why we stand against suicide and euthanasia. We do not have a right to kill people because they are near death and need our help. Our witness to the dignity of human life also requires that we speak up against unjust wars, (eg. Ukraine, Gaza), for migrants who are fleeing violence (eg. Somalia, Kenya) and other hardships (eg. North Korea, Afghanistan). These people have dignity no matter what language they speak and no matter what religion they practice. The same is true for prisoners. No matter what crimes they have committed, their lives still matter and they still deserve to be treated with respect. As Christians, we must give voice to all those people whom the world says are worthless. When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make any compromises. Period! The world needs our witness more than ever. So let us not be afraid to speak up for those who are so often forgotten and overlooked. Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! Yes, your child is being targeted by online predators

Kimberly Ells
For many parents, the day they find out their child is being approached, targeted, educated, and manipulated by strangers on his or her digital devices is the day they finally take seriously all the warnings and admonitions about phone and digital device use they have heard for years. By that time, often great damage has been done.

New! The Vocations of Woman: The Feminism of Edith Stein

John F. Doherty
If our society is to answer the question "What is a woman?" we will have to think more about how women can integrate their professions with their femininity, without stifling it, and about the value of the virtues that women on average exemplify better than men. Considering Edith Stein's thoughts on these questions is an excellent way to start.

New! Familial Support Is the Antidote to Bad Therapy

Alexandra DeSanctis
In her popular new book, Abigail Shrier challenges parents to help kids through the hard parts of life rather than relying on the therapy industry.

New! The Vatican Statement on Human Dignity

John Stonestreet
Though his statement specified that priests were not to perform such blessings during Mass and were only blessing individuals but not sanctioning the relationships as morally acceptable, progressive Catholics and observers saw the statement as a step toward acceptance of same-sex "marriage" within the Roman Catholic church. In contrast, the Vatican's latest declaration left no such ambiguity, especially about issues related to sexuality and "gender."

New! Macron Presses Hard to Promote Abortion Worldwide

Steven Mosher
Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has been championing "abortion rights" for years. In 2022 he tried to force the European Union to include it in its "Charter of Fundamental Rights"; when that failed, he attempted to insert it into the French Constitution, and failed again, but his dogged persistence paid off: one month ago, the text of the Constitution of France was amended to include abortion as a "basic right."

Chinese state theology

Marcus Roberts
Why on Earth would an officially atheist country's ruling class decide to create a new theology?

The diseased culture of death

Kurt Kondrich
I pray our lost culture wakes up very soon and stops this silent eugenic movement before persons with Down syndrome are added to the extinction list. This would be an incomprehensible global tragedy, and please raise your voices and start asking the question "Who is next?"

A Nine-Year-Old Boy is Spreading a "Contagion of Mass Delusion"

Walt Heyer
National Geographic's cover photo is exploitation. The health and well-being of a child are being sacrificed to advance a political and cultural crusade.

Surrogate mother of 13 calls it a day

Michael Cook
British woman Carole Horlock, 49, plans to retire from a long and prolific career as a surrogate mother. After bearing 13 children for other people from 9 pregnancies, she holds the world record for surrogacies. But her current pregnancy is going to be her last.

Why are scientists boasting of creating 'synthetic human embryos'?

David Albert Jones
A scientist working in Cambridge and California has just announced that she and her colleagues have made a 'synthetic human embryo'. They took a human embryonic stem cell line and used it to make what looks like an early human embryo.

Surrogate motherhood creates an ethical minefield

Margaret Somerville
A gay couple's government-funded IVF twins have created a storm of controversy in Canada.

Fighting Assisted Suicide, Jersey Style

John Stonestreet
New Jersey is the ninth state to legalize physician-assisted suicide. According to the state's Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act, attending physicians can "write a prescription for medication that would enable a qualified terminally ill patient to end his or her life."

Chastity: The Gift of Priests for Their People

Anthony Zimmerman
Chastity, then, is a virtue which belongs to the profession of the priesthood. Our celibacy is for the good of the Church.

Fear of AIDS deaths soaring due to Covid-19

Marcus Roberts
In the first half of this year the Coronavirus pandemic has taken the lives of over 300,000 people. The response by much of the world has been all-encompassing: many billions of people have lived through some form of lockdown which has only now been lifted in parts of the world.

Released Torture Report the world missed

Kurt Kondrich
There has been much media coverage and international uproar over the release of the CIA "Torture Report," and many policymakers have expressed a high level of outrage over the tactics used to interrogate suspected terror detainees.